[US Region] Data Connector - Partial outage
Incident Report for Treasure Data
Starting from August 29, 2023 at 03:00 UTC until August 30, 2023 at 02:47 UTC, certain data connectors (specifically, Bulk Load Jobs used for importing data into TreasureData) within the US region were associated with static IP addresses for data export purposes instead of bulk load purposes during their execution. If you have an IP-base rule (whitelisting TreasureData IPs only)at external service, the following scenarios could have occurred:

1/ Your Bulk Load jobs were fallback to use proper static IP Addresses, resulting in successful job completion as usual.

2/ However, some of Your Bulk Load jobs may fail, without initiating retries or continuing the process. The resolution of these failures depended on the behavior of the external services. In such cases, the affected Bulk Load jobs would need to be manually re-run or re-triggered.

We have already fixed this issue and now Static IP Addresses for Data Connectors are properly allocated to the bulkload jobs.
Posted Aug 29, 2023 - 22:46 PDT
This incident affected: US (Data Connector Integrations).